January 8 th , 2012, is the day my dad received a kidney transplant, and the medication he
had to take had a side-effect that could cause Lymphoma Cancer. My dad was diagnosed with
non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma several days later. He went through all the chemo treatment, stem
cell transplants, any and all pharmaceutical pills the doctors threw at him. Then in February of
2018 we were told he was in remission, but we all knew he had a chance of it returning due to
having to take the medication. On July of the same year (2018) my mother called to tell me his
cancer had returned.

For the next few months I would travel to Michigan from North Dakota to be with my
parents. Then in October I got the call no daughter wanted to get. The doctors told my mother
that his cancer is spreading too fast an there was nothing more they could do. They suggest her
calling hospice. My husband and I jumped on the next flight available that was headed to

I still remember seeing my dad’s face when I walked in the house, he was so happy to see
me, you wouldn’t even think he was sick. The next day was a noticeable shift in his medical
state. Through the next week his health kept declining an on November 11 th he was at an all-time
low, we knew he did not have much more time with us. That night I fell asleep on a couch that
we had moved closer to their bedside, at 5:26 am I was woken by my mom informing me he had
passed. I went an sat next to him until the EMS arrived.

On November 12th , 2018 my father had lost his battle with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
My son tried for the longest time to open our minds to the miracles of CBD, but there
was just not enough known about it at the time. My father called me one day asking if I would
have my son, Korey, send him a bottle of CBD infused lotion to try because he was in
unbearable pain. Well Korey sent him that bottle and needles to say my dad literally stopped
taking his pain pills an substituted the infused lotion. He felt so much pain relief compared to the
prescribed pills, he expressed to anyone an everyone the benefits of his CBD lotion.
So, I figured if my dad is taking CBD, I should try it for myself. I absolutely love it! I
can’t thank my son enough for introducing the family to cannabidiol (CBD). No one should have
to go through such pain he and our family had to go through. Now, in honor of my daddy we
push the word of the wonderful benefits that CBD provides and work hard as a family unit to get
clean alternative medicine to every and anyone possible in the world. I’m over-filled with joy to
know the last chapters in this world my father was able to live longer and better than told
because of our help. I want to make him so proud!